Gus Pools offers a wide variety of top quality pool supplies and hundreds of new & innovative products for your pool. We strive to give our customers extra value, every day – with discount prices.
We offer pool heaters, heat pumps and solar heating systems, pump & filter systems, automatic pool cleaners and more – all at low competitive pricing. Buy from Gus Pools and we can install these pool features for you. Our complete line of chemicals is the best way to keep your pool clean and maintain the life of your pool. We have chemicals, testing kits, pool opening and closing chemical kids and advanced sanitizing system. We also carry a wide range of maintenance products to help you spend less time (and money!) on maintenance chores. Gus Pools can also help you find the right replacement parts to maintain the heater, pump, filter and automatic cleaner. Take of your pool all year long with our great products and services. We have what you need.
For extra fun, increased safety or just heighten enjoyment, choose from our stock of vinyl pool liners, pool ladders, solar blankets & reels , slides, diving boards, alarms, pool lighting, pool foundations, toys and games and much more. Invest in Winter Covers & Safety Covers to protect your loved ones and pool from weatherizing. Our covers fit every sized swimming pool. Choose from winterizing accessories, closing chemical kits & more. Make your pool closing quick and simple.
Call us today at (718) 746 – 5005 to learn more!